Change, Reflections of the New Normal in Architecture

What changes has the pandemic period brought to our lives, and consequently to architecture? Can design aim for an environment that surrounds, protects and inspires us? Can architecture become organic, just like the world threatened by the virus? Asia's leading paint brand, Nippon Paint, compiled the discussions made in the "Change with Nippon Paint" activities, in which answers to these and similar questions were sought, in the book "Change, Reflections of the New Normal in Architecture". The book which was prepared to inspire the present and open the doors of the past for future generations, includes the experiences and discourses, in the first months of the pandemic period, of the experts who participated in the online events organized by Nippon Paint, and the evaluations of architects and interior architects.

In the book, which examines the reflections of the change created by the pandemic period in society, cities and business life on architecture in detail, the experiences and discourses of Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Sibel Çakır, Urban Strategy Specialist Faruk Göksu, and Harvard Business Review Turkey Editorial Director Serdar Turan, who are the speakers of the events attended by 34 architects and interior designers, as well as the evaluations of architects and interior designers shed light on issues of curiosity and provide projections for the future.

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